Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Peace...and Quiet

Peace and Quiet

“All I want is a little PEACE and QUIET!” How many times have you said that? I know I have said it countless times. Isn’t it interesting that these two words go together so often? As we all seek more peace in our lives and in the world, do you think we would find that peace more easily if we DID have more quiet? What keeps us from turning off the noise of our lives so we can hear ourselves think, and listen to what we feel and know?

Truthfully, while I say I want quiet, I do a lot of things that keep me caught in the whirl of activities, noise, and drama of daily life. Even as I sit here now, I’m aware of the email I can check, the phone that is ringing and my mental checklist with more things to do. Of course that says nothing about the constant interruptions of traffic and airplane noise, dogs barking, television and radio background noise Peace and quiet is a good thing…and why do I/we spend so much time avoiding it?

When I began journal writing more than 25 years ago, it was to enter more of the silence, to listen to my inner self and to quiet the external chatter that just seemed to add to the confusion of my life at that time. Journal writing did help—and of course, has become the tool that I teach others now to help them move into their own deeper wisdom and knowing. Why is it that we move into these deeper spaces most often when we are threatened in some way?

I know why journaling works for me---it’s because it allows me to start where I am---all wound up, threatened perhaps, and to gently move, moment by moment into more thoughtfulness and more quiet…and eventually to more peace. I become aware, as I write, about those things that are ‘poking me’ unconsciously, keeping me wound up, and as I untangle those thoughts and feelings I get a better grip on myself and begin to breathe more easily. I express the feelings that need to be released, and as I make more room inside, somehow the wisdom, or as I like to put it, the “magic” begins to bubble up. It’s rare that I finish a journal writing session feeling anything but calm, peaceful and more refreshed.

Now, as I write this I know I haven’t explained why I don’t do more of it, why I still avoid stillness and quietness at times. For one thing, it’s easier to stay on the same speed setting, so to speak, all the time. It takes work and energy to shift from our cultural norm of rushing through traffic, or spending frantic minutes at work, into a quieter and more peaceful place. To be truthful, from the busy perspective of our modern lives, it can seem almost like a waste of time to shift into a calmer place. How will we be able to get all those things done!!!! And yet oddly, when we are in that calmer and quieter place, ALL those things seem much less important.

My commitment for now is to make more time to explore this calm and gentle way of being. I am certain that as we all take more of this kind of quality time with ourselves, that we will automatically be offering more peaceful energy to the whole world.

Perhaps you could take some time now, to sit down and write about what’s going on in your life right now. Are you wound up? What needs to be released? What do you want, where are you going and what gets in your way? As you dump those feelings you will begin to see things differently as you read what you have written. After you dump some of your distress the peacefulness will begin to enter in, and with it will come more wisdom and more awareness of what is really important. Enjoy this new view of your life.Peace--Sue

Monday, October 29, 2007

Journal for Peace

(This was written near the beginning of the Iraq war...and still holds true today. It describes the point behind writing here..)
News of the war can be unsettling regardless of one’s political views. Who, I wonder, does not have difficulty watching and hearing about our servicemen who have been killed, captured, or missing in action? The news media carries stories all through the day and night that remind us of the missing peace.
Personally, I’ve found it necessary to turn to my journal to help me rediscover some of my missing peace. And it helps…some. Many people now share the belief, as do I, that finding our own inner peace, and doing what we can to lovingly spread it around, can certainly improve the quality of our lives, and may just be able to impact the world around us in a positive way.
Quantum physicists tell us that everything is energy. With that in mind, does it not make sense that adding to the fear and anger already circulating around the world will only fuel the current struggle? Similarly, if we find ways to experience more peace within our days, do we not then send THAT energy into the world? Perhaps in our own small ways, we can add to the missing peace.
How can our focus on personal peace be harmful? I’ve learned about the power of attitude and belief from years of working with cancer patients. As these people proactively step forward in their lives, choosing to expand the quality of their lives, they impact the functioning of their immune system—which then may affect their disease process. They have taught me that we have more power to influence those things we thought impossible---than we could ever believe. People with life threatening illness know about one kind of war, and can teach us about finding peace.
Journal writing is a tool used by many to feel more grounded, more aware, more in touch with their personal power, and also of their “still small voice” within. Research about journaling also supports its benefits as an immune system enhancer. So here is my invitation to you: to join me in writing about peace. We surely can improve our own quality of life—and just may impact this incredible world we live in. You can write when you want for as much or as little as you desire. It’s just for you.
For this week, describe a moment of inner peace. Consider those times recently when you got quiet and felt calm and at ease. Perhaps you’ll have a powerful memory of peace from the past, or an image of peace you hold for the future. Journaling has no rules, so there is no need to worry about spelling or grammar or punctuation. Just write from your heart, feel the quietness surrounding you, and open yourself to the possibility of more peace. Let’s rediscover the missing peace and bring it into the world.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Peace Power Writes

That's quite a mouthful isn't it? This blog is geared to all of us who seek more peace--and recognize the power in peace, in stillness, and in our writing lives.

As I watch the news, hear from our government officials, and see the daily shifts in the world I can become frustrated, angry, and even depressed. I've realized that I have power only over myself and whether or not I feel peaceful any given day. So I'm dedicating this blog to that kind of writing and sharing.... How can we use writing to help us all tap in to more peace?